Pokémon GO game Walkthrough

In 2016, Pokemon Go – an action-based game was released which saw Pokemon brought into the real world using augmented reality technology. Players go out and explore their surroundings; interacting with different objects/people along their way – all in order to capture as many pocket monsters (Pokemon) as they can find!
If you are a person who is just starting out or someone who’s having trouble catching his favorite Pokemon, this Pokemon Go Game Walkthrough provides a complete guide to this game. You will learn how to catch a Pokemon and train it. Let’s dig deeper into this walkthrough!
Catching Pokemon
The core objective of the game revolves around encountering and capturing the diverse array of Pokemon roaming the virtual realm.
Discovering Pokemon in the Wild
As players move through the gaming environment various Pokemons can be found; signalled by rustling grass icons appearing sporadically on-screen at regular intervals representing different types of wild encounters – after touching one such icon it takes users directly into an encounter screen whereupon said wild Pokemon appears on-screen alongside other info including name/rarity/CP (combat power)/HP (hit points etc).
- Incense: It is a consumable item that lures the Pokemon to follow you for 30 minutes. This proves to be very useful especially when you are moving around in a region with little Pokemon activity. These incense modules can be bought at PokeStops.
- Lure Items: These create a lighting beam, attracting Pokemons for half an hour. It is especially indispensable during the time spent with friends or finding new Pokemon in crowded areas.
Mastering Throwing PokeBalls Art
Catching Pokémon involves throwing Poké Balls skillfully at them; below are some things that may help:
- Catch Rate: Each Pokémon species comes with its own base catch rate which determines how easily the species can be caught. This means that the rarer a Pokémon is, the lower its catch rates are and this keeps players engaged as well as increasing the difficulty of the game.
- CP (Combat Power): Combat Power represents overall strength; higher CP values correspond to harder captures.
- IVs (Individual Values): These are secret traits that decide the potentiality and benefits of a Pokemon. It becomes harder to catch rare monsters with high IV stats.
Throwing Techniques
There are different techniques, used in Pokemon Go, to capture a Pokemon. Some of them are mentioned below:
- Basic Throw: Lift the Poke Ball and then throw it towards the Pokemon; you would need to flick it gently to achieve this.
- Curveball: Using the full motion for the PokeBall before chucking it might result in a higher catch rate.
- Great Throws & Excellent Throws: Make your throw carefully to ensure you aim and catch the Poke Ball within the colored circle. The smaller circles are also a means of giving the catch rate a higher multiplier.
Utilizing Berries and Poke Ball Upgrades
Berries are items that can be given to the Pokemon before tossing the Poke Ball. This is a bet to lure the pocket monster. The following are the different types of berries:
- Razz Berry: Highers the chances of catching a Pokemon which is already weakened by the player.
- Nanab Berry: A status ailment of a Pokemon that makes the Pokemon less fidgety and thus easier to capture with a PokeBall.
- Pinap Berry: When a PokeBall is used to capture the Pokemon, this berry generates double the amount of Candy specific to that type of Pokemon.
- Poke Ball Upgrades: Great Balls and Ultra Balls are considered the better types of PokeBalls as they hold a higher base caught rate than the normal PokeBalls.
Managing Your Pokemon Collection
As you venture on your trip, you’ll accumulate a colorful menagerie of pocket monsters, but how do you keep track of them all? And what should you do with duplicates?
- Pokemon Transfer: You can trade unwanted Pokemon to Professor Willow for Candy. It is later used as an indispensable tool needed for the growth and development of one’s own Pokemon.
- Evolving Strong Ones: Some Pokemon can level up using Candy and Stardust. Because evolved Pokemon generally have higher CP and more powerful potential moves, they make great additions to any team.
Leveling Up Your Trainer and Pokemon
While much of the Pokémon Go game revolves around capturing creatures, there is also a significant emphasis placed on training and upgrading them. The key to this is XPs; here’s everything you need to know about earning bonuses and leveling up.
Earn XP and Level Up Your Trainer
In Pokemon Go, your trainer level is important because it unlocks new game features and increases your Pokemon storage capacity. You can also encounter higher leveled creatures in the wild as you level up. Here are ways to gain experience points (XP) as a trainer:
- Catching Pokemon: Every time you land a successful capture throw, you get awarded with XP. More points are given if the Pokemon has higher CP or if it’s rare.
- Evolving Pokemon: Evolving a monster is one of the best ways to farm XP fast. So it’s better to save candies for catching multiple low stage evolutions rather than max evolved ones.
- Raids: Beating raid bosses will grant a huge amount of experience points.
- Gym Battles: Fighting against other players’ stationed Pokemon at Gyms will reward you with extra XPs too.
- Daily Spin Streaks: Consistently spinning at PokeStops each day awards bonus XP.
As a new player, it is advisable to prioritize activities that offer substantial XP rewards, such as catching Pokemon, evolving them, and participating in lower-tier raids. The generated XPs can be used to level up your trainer level.
B. Powering Up Your Pokemon Team
While capturing strong Pokemon is crucial; investing on strengthening the team you already have is equally significant. Here’s how to make your creature companions stronger:
- Powering Up: Use Candy and Stardust items to increase a monster’s CP – this makes them more powerful in battle.
- Evolving: Evolution not only unlocks higher forms but also raises CP by big margins sometimes; requires specific candies per species however.
Summing up, the Pokemon Go game walkthrough offers a detailed guide on capturing Pokemon and training them. First of all, you need to discover Pokemon and learn how to throw the ball. Once you have a full team, you should know how to manage/transfer them. Further, claim enough XPs during the gameplay. These will help you to elevate your trainer level and power up the Pokemon’s strengths.