Empires & Puzzles: Match-3 Rpg

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Empires & Puzzles is compatible with both Mac and IOS platforms being a match three puzzle game. With stunning visual scenes, heart pounding gameplay and unique strategic depth Empires & Puzzles has become very popular among many players across different systems very fast. Players have to combine colored gems strategically around their playing boards so that they can launch attacks and their skills that enable them solve match-3 puzzles successfully. From here you can proceed training and upgrading your heroes in phase two of the game. Constructing your own war fortress, strengthening troops, joining forces with other players, attacking enemy fortresses among others are some activities that can be done during this stage.
Different tasks and rewards, as well as strange creatures, legendary treasures await your exploration in this game. You can also help your heroes create legendary weapons such as resurrection armor or life and mana potions, healing items and much more. So let’s go to war together with our friends to fight these bosses for they cannot be defeated by one man alone.